A Twitter spokesperson stated that the company is now testing prompts that would notify users before they enter a hot, intense, or passionate chat. The suggestions, according to Twitter, are intended to encourage constructive dialogue. Before participating in a conversation on Twitter, users will receive notifications about conversations that have the potential to be heated. Whenever users react to a tweet, Twitter will display a popup that says, “Let’s keep an eye out for each other.” According to the post released by Twitter, three bullet points will be included under the heading “Let’s watch out for each other,” including “Remember the human,” “Facts matter,” and “Diverse viewpoints have importance.” When users respond to lengthy discussions, the alert seems to appear on their screen.

This is a work in progress as we learn how to better support healthy conversation. pic.twitter.com/x6Nsn3HPu1 — Twitter Support (@TwitterSupport) October 6, 2021 “Have you ever wanted to know how a discussion is going before you jump in? We’re now testing prompts on Android and iOS that will alert you if the conversation you’re about to engage is likely to get heated or emotional. As we learn more about how to better promote healthy discourse, we will update this section of the site,” Twitter stated on its website. Twitter will also notify users if they are about to publish something that is likely to be objectionable before they do so. Users will also be notified if they attempt to publish a link to an article that they have not read. Last month, Twitter announced that users will be able to withdraw themselves from a conversation in which they have been tagged without alerting the user who tagged the person in question. The social media platform will also allow users to untag themselves from a conversation in which they have been marked without informing the user who tagged the other person. Another feature being added to Twitter is a word filter, which will allow users to exclude certain terms from the responses to their tweets. Another feature being added to Twitter is a word filter, which will allow users to exclude certain terms from the responses to their tweets. The micro-blogging site also stated that it is working to expand its character restriction beyond 280 characters to allow users to express themselves more freely. “At its finest, we believe Twitter has the potential to serve as the internet’s discussion layer.” As Kayvon Beykpour, Twitter’s head of consumer product, has previously stated, “we’ve made significant work toward that goal.” As part of its expansion plans for Spaces, Twitter plans to provide additional services, such as a programme that will provide financial assistance to those who conduct audio talks and events on the platform. Twitter also intends to expand its existing tipping service to other countries, with users being able to pay in bitcoin as part of the process. The use of cryptocurrency, like Twitter, is not restricted by geographical boundaries, and we are thrilled to incorporate it into more of our products in the future.