On May 27, 2022, Alessandro Paluzzi, a well-known smartphone developer, and reverse engineer tweeted a screenshot. The screenshot depicts the introductory or greeting message displayed to new Telegram users. However, there is a significant difference between the message Telegram is currently showing and the message shown in the screenshot, indicating that Telegram is planning on a premium plan for customers. When new users sign up for Telegram, they have now presented the statement “Telegram is free forever.” There are no advertisements. There are no subscription fees. However, the notice visible on Paluzzi’s screenshot reads, “Telegram provides free unlimited cloud storage for chats and media.” Retake note of both statements, as the second one says nothing about an ad-free environment or no subscription fees. Wondering what this implies? To begin, if Telegram develops a premium subscription plan for users, it may begin showing adverts to non-paying clients, which will become one of its sources of revenue. Paluzzi further mentions that premium Telegram users would receive a badge next to their name, as well as access to exclusive stickers and replies. Other details concerning the premium subscription, such as cost and incentives, are yet unknown. Telegram released a fresh version in April that included features such as custom notification tones, configurable silence durations, and more. This will allow users to make unique alarms from their favorite music or even memes, as well as establish a custom duration for which a chat should be muted.


If Telegram introduces its premium plan, would you subscribe? Let us know in the comment section below.