By digging into the Facebook profile structure, by calling each profile by its id, starting from 4 and then counting 4,5,6,7…

What a mystery indeed?

Let us not speculate, but either Mark or somebody else did something about those first three profiles. When I tried to search then Few more were found missing: 8, 9, 12, 14… 25. Were they real or fake? You can post your guesses in the comments below. Then among the first few ids of the people who worked or working on Facebook. The first woman in fact came at 33rd number. There were only six girls found among the first 50 profiles, but then all the beauties catch up with guys. It would be nice to interview all these people and to find out the social network stories because I like them the most. And now, here comes the list I made by visiting ids. Most of the people managed to get 500 to 1000 friends on average. Good progress in just 10 years. N/A N/A N/A Mark Zuckerberg Founder and CEO at Facebook Chris Hughes Executive Director at Jumo Friends (1914). Dustin Moskovitz Arie Hasit N/A N/A Marcel Georgés Laverdet II Software Engineer у Facebook Soleio Cuervo Unknown Designer у Facebook N/A Chris Putnam (A young boy who hacked Facebook) In this list at 33rd, the First woman come on Facebook! Sarah Goodin. Yes! it’s a little interesting but we still don’t know the exact reason mark’s id is 4th. many people say first three was created for testing purpose and my another guess is maybe because it was started on 4th Feb. 😀